A pizza joint near Philly ran an ad last week, because they wanted some exposure.  But this wasn’t the kind of exposure they were looking for

There’s a family-owned pizza chain called Chiaro’s that has a few locations near Philadelphia.  This month, they ran a new ad in a local magazine that was mailed out to thousands of people.  And somehow, no one noticed it included PORNOGRAPHY.

Chiaro’s sells pizza, but also fancy coffee.  So they included a photo of someone pouring cream into a cappuccino.  Apparently they just pulled it off the internet.

And unfortunately, they didn’t realize it was photoshopped . . . so the swirling foam on top was actually a NAKED GUY who’s VERY well-endowed.  (Here’s the UNCENSORED photo.)

As soon as you see it, you can’t unsee it.  But no one at the restaurant or the magazine noticed before it went to print.

Chiaro’s just found out about it last week and posted an apology on Facebook.  They said they pride themselves on being a family-friendly business, and were devastated when someone pointed it out to them.

(The image itself is sort of infamous online.  It’s of a now-dead porn star named Wardy Joubert the Third.  People prank each other with it by pretending to link to something important.  Then you click, and it’s just Wardy in all his glory.)

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