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*NEWS and information ONLY 🎥 Endless Open Road ORLANDO, FLORIDA — A camera set up inside his car shows Marco Mazzetta reach for his gun while behind the wheel. He holds it a few seconds out of view of the camera and then begins firing through the windshield. Glass flies all over the place as his passenger ducks for cover. Mazzetta posted the video online Saturday. He called it “Highway Self Defense Shooting Orlando Florida.” It shows the back and forth between Mazzetta and another driver in Orange County. The beginning of the video shows a driver coming up behind Mazzetta. As he tries to get around him, Mazzetta boxes him out. Then, both drivers get on State Road 417. The incident escalated when Mazzetta says the other driver pointed a gun out the window. He freezes the frame to show it. That’s when he pulls out his own gun and fires. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office says Mazzetta is the one who contacted them about the incident and they’re investigating.

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People’s egos are insane and this is why. Both of these cars are going back and forth, racing down the highway. The other driver pulls a gun first and after that it’s game over because the videoed driver pulls his gun from his waistband and fires a few rounds through the windshield. Shout out to the passenger, the only seemingly level headed one in this story, who repeatedly tells the driver to chill out, calm down, and relax. People who get emotional, like both of these drivers, should not have guns. Pull over and fist fight each other like real men.



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