After spending a day trying to keep her 3-year-old entertained while waiting in ridiculously long lines, one mother has come up with an idea to combat overcrowding at Disney World: Ban childless millennials.
In a rant posted on Facebook, the unnamed woman says she’s sick of seeing “childless couples” at Disney World. She writes, “IT P*SSES ME OFF TO NO END!!!!! When I see CHILDLESS COUPLES WITHOUT KIDS AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!! yet these IMMATURE MILLENNIALS THROW THEIR MONEY AWAY ON USELESS CRAP!!!” Her solution? “People without CHILDREN need to be BANNED!!!!”
The angry woman’s plan has received little support from the online community. One person comments, “As a single person with no kids who goes to Disney World all the time, this is making me feel extremely powerful.” Another points out that “a childless couple is still a family.” While yet another offers advice to the woman: “Take a pill, lady!”
I think this is unfair. There are people who can’t have children even if they want them. There are older people whose kids aren’t in the house anymore; granted they aren’t “millennials,” but theyr are still “childless couples” which seems to be one of her biggest beefs.
My husband and I went for my 35th birthday. Alone. Without the kids. We drank our way around Epcot, which I feel like is something you SHOULDN’T do with kids, because by the time we were done, we were pretty drunk. The International Food and Wine Festival was also going on at the same time, giving us even more food and drink options, and we tore Epcot up. We’ve taken our children numerous times, but this was our time to relax and enjoy ourselves in the most magical place on earth. We spent the money, and we deserved to go. Period. EVERYONE should get to go to Disney.

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