Guy Arrested for Tattooing A Child in a McDonald’s Dining Room
If you’re doing something that’s illegal for multiple reasons, maybe don’t do it in the MOST public place available…
This guy was arrested on Tuesday after giving a tattoo to a child in the middle of a McDonald’s restaurant in Laurens. The tattoo happened on Friday. Then someone posted a video of it, and cops got involved. It’s not clear how old the kid was, but it looks like a teenager.
The tattoo artist is 28-year-old Brandon Presha. He’s facing charges for tattooing a minor, and tattooing without a license.
He’s also on probation for assault and battery. Back in December, he got sentenced to three years in jail for it. But a judge suspended his sentence and gave him two years’ probation.
The illegal tattoo likely violated that probation though. So he’s probably going away for a while.