Creepy Car Thief Shows Off Gun to Security Camera
Talk about bold. Not only did a group of Missouri car looters seem unconcerned about the cameras that caught their every move, but one of the thieves even walked up to one and showed off his gun.
The disturbing footage plays out like a scene from “The Purge” as the apparently fearless bandits go house-to-house in an Oakville neighborhood. “I heard my phone blink,” one resident says. “I woke up, I looked on my security system, and saw three guys walking out of my garage.” In another surveillance video, one of the suspects walks up to a security camera and holds his gun directly in front of it.
Through the end of August, Missouri car break-ins were up more than 100 percent compared to the same time period in 2020, according to the St. Louis P.D. The suspects in the recent string of thefts remain at large.
How do thieves get away with anything these days?